Valuefy - Simplify the process for a winning R&I grant application
EVERYTHING FOR WINNING an R&I GRANT APPLICATION such as effective writing guidelines, suggested headings, sub-headings and paragraphs, resources for your arguments, impressive illustrations and tables as well as evaluation of the final draft of your application for receiving critical comments for making your application to stand-out.
Valuefy™ is an online automated system for developing an excellent R&I grant application for anyone that wishes to be guided step-by-step on why, what and how to write their arguments. Valuefy™ users can have access to examples of arguments, tables and illustrations that make their proposal content distinct and impress the evaluators. All the above guidance is fully automated but in addition, Valuefy™ users can opt-in to have the final draft of their proposal reviewed by an experienced external evaluator that will provide critical comments and recommendations for impressing further the funding authority and its evaluators. The platform is based on analysing more than 100 successful applications on R&I
Valuefy™ is the best platform for developing quickly winningR&I grant applications with limited resources. According to your purchase ( there are four levels of service), you will have access to the different parts of the platform for taking advantage of the above services. The Valuefy™ platform can be continually updated with the latest developments and your requests/questions.
Eventually, writing a R&I grant application has never been till now that straightforward and a process full of detailed instructions and examples with the ultimate aim to transcend the value of your proposal sections to the evaluators and impress them in each one of the selection sub-criteria.
Try it for free with the Basic Service for an unlimited time and challenge us if this is not the case.
More than 200 editable illustrations in powerpoint for the R&I grant applications
Impress now the evaluators without effort and quickly with our specially designed illustrations for R&I grant applications. More than 200 illustrations, all easily editable in powerpoint. Even data charts in the illustrations are linked with excel for editing the figure numbers to your own needs.
Pricing options
Pick the price option that best fits your needs:
Basic Service
Access to the platform with guidelines on what to write and how to write it for dealing successfully not only with each different section but going in more detail into each sub-section in the Horizon 2020 grant application form.
Most Popular
Expert Service
Basic service plus examples, illustrations, diagrams, charts and templates all in editable format for using immediately in each proposal subsection
Premium Service
Expert service plus one evaluation of an H2020 grant application or document up to 15 pages. Evaluation completion within 72 hours from the submission to the platform
VIP Service
Expert Service plus one evaluation of one H2020 grant application up to 70 pages in total. Evaluation completion within 72 hours from the submission to the platform
Although Valuefy™ examples, guidance, templates and tools are applicable mainly on collaborative and highly competitive type of actions such as RIA (Research & Innovation Action), IA (Innovation Action), FTI (Fast Track to Innovation), MSCA ITN, FET Open as well as innovative and business oriented ones such SME instrument phase 1 and phase 2, still the platform can be extremely useful and inspiring also for applicants in other type of actions such as in ERC Starting Grants, Consolidator Grants, Synergy Grants, MSCA Individual Funds, RISE, etc.
Moreover, anyone that is active in exploiting European funds or any state funds will find Valuefy™ principles, resources and guidance one of the most valuable tools for developing or evaluating successfully any grant application. This is because Valuefy™ platform is built with the main purpose to support and guide applications to develop winning proposals in the most challenging and competitive programme in the whole world, i.e. Horizon 2020. Hence, to an extent, its principles, tips and templates can cover any other funding programme at a national, European or global level.